Nancy Gustaveson

Member Since 1995

What is your current or past career path or job?

I’m a Durham Co. Schools inner-city (projects) kindergarten teacher. My choice. My love.

What do you enjoy most in your life right now?   

I have lived at Carol Woods Retirement Community for 8 years where I have been primarily involved with the Community Relations Committee (incl. as chair 3 yrs.).  I began the drives for the community at large – several food drives/year for Orange Congregations in Mission (covers northern Orange Co.) and the Inter-Faith Council (covers Carrboro-Chapel Hill); also a Valentines Week personal care drive for same. We hold a drive for the Downtown Partnership’s Homeless-Near Homeless October Fair – from new or gently used warm winter wear and blankets to new underclothing. (Book drives are held that I’m not in charge of.)  I’m also a volunteer weeder, etc., on campus with the Garden Gophers & I serve on the Gardens and Landscaping Advisory Committee. I’m active in my church. Giving back is what life is about, I think. It is important to me.

What does working with Friends of OCDSS mean to you?    

I don’t do much for Friends anymore though I have helped with the July Food for People team once and plan to help again this year.

What is/are your favorite Friends Project(s) and why?

I think the emergency help for rent, utilities, etc., is essential. It has saved people from being evicted from their homes and bought time for them to continue trying to problem solve what must seem to them a hopeless situation.

How have you personally experienced Friends making a difference in Orange County? 

While I was more personally involved with this aspect of Friends’  work years ago, I know that Friends’ outreach has expanded and has become more efficient through the years.  We absolutely make a difference.